Teach for Tomorrow II
Via our Teach for Tomorrow project, we worked with our partners to train 3,685 teachers across 14 Provinces in PNG. Now certified, these teachers are working in remote schools across the country, delivering education to over 150,000 children. Whilst this has been a significant undertaking, we now face our next big challenge.
Due to a change in the required training to qualify as an elementary teacher, there will be a large gap in the skills of those trained under previous training models compared with those training under the new 12-month Certificate of Elementary Teaching. There is an urgent need to provide professional development, upskilling and ongoing support and mentoring to elementary teachers across PNG to ensure they remain committed to the profession. This is the focus of Teach for Tomorrow II.
Pilot Project
The T4TII model is a ‘train the trainer’ one. An in-service program is designed in close collaboration with elementary teacher trainers and provincial education authorities. The focus of the in-service training is tailored according to the main needs and gaps identified within the Province. Therefore, the in-service training program for New Ireland looks different to the in-service program for Oro, with different needs and gaps across the two Provinces. To date, T4TII has been piloted and rolled out in Oro, Gulf, Morobe and New Ireland Provinces and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville working with 97 trainers and supporting over 5,600 teachers.
Project Roll-out
The next phase of Teach for Tomorrow II will be made up of four stages:
Stage 1: Train the trainer workshop: program orientation, design of bespoke in-service training
Stage 2: Trainer exchange programme to Australia.
Stage 3: Trainer ownership and implementation.
Stage 4: Train the trainer workshop: Monitoring, Reflection and Planning for Province-wide roll-out.
Focus Regions
Over the next project implementation period, we will aim to deliver the professional development and upskilling training to trainers and teachers in: Oro, Gulf, Morobe, New Ireland, Southern Highlands, Hela and Milne Bay Provinces and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
We are partnering the Provincial Education Authorities in these locations to support the network of trainers and to ensure that all teachers trained via Teach for Tomorrow or other pathways are provided opportunities to upskill and develop their qualifications for enhancing teaching practice in the classroom.
Teach for Tomorrow II is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and a consortia of donors from Australia and PNG.